EditPoint 1.2 adds variable speed, Lockscreen controls and Dark Mode

The latest update for our EditPoint app, for marking up changes needed to audio files such as podcasts and radio shows, includes a few exciting additions…

You can now change the playback speed to skip through a file at up to 2x if you’re trying to refresh your memory, or locate something that was said. Tap the Speedometer to the right of the transport controls, and select the desired speed between 1.0 and 2.0. Small speed increases are subtle and don’t degrade the audio quality too much, anything over 1.4x gets quite glitchy, but may be useful to some of you.

The Lock Screen now shows playback controls for your file, and tapping the icon takes you directly to the app. It also now supports pausing and resuming from headphones or bluetooth devices without switching control to other audio apps.

We now also support iOS 13’s Dark Mode, which you can enable from the Control Centre.

Author: Soluble Apps

Soluble Apps was founded in 2010, by Peter Johnson, drawing on over 25 years of experience as Coder, Artist, Producer, Musician and Studio Head in the videogames industry. We are based in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Our top-selling products are the popular "MailShot Pro" group email app, "ShotList" for planning movie shoots, and "FAQ", which cuts down on repetitive emailing.

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